Hints for creating a good
AT-HOME schedule
-Get a calendar or a daily/weekly schedule or planner.
-Every day, try to include at least one activity in each of these categories:
Activity Examples
Educational - School work; reading; writing/journaling; learning something new, then discussing your findings
Physical - Exercising; walking; running; biking; yoga; stretching; healthy movement; gardening; cleaning the house, meditation
Nutrition - Plan, prepare and eat healthy meals; find recipes; cook; bake; clean up after. Avoid constant snacking and unhealthy foods; have more fruits and vegetables; try new foods
Creative - Create art; draw; sculpt; collage; build; play and create music; learn or practice an instrument; sing; explore new kinds of music and art, then share
Family - Spend positive time with family members: play a game; puzzles; TV shows;
discussions; singing; cooking; exercise…..(yes, the categories can overlap)
-Try leaving the door open more
-Plan to be helpful and available to siblings and adults at home
-Be mindful of your own mood and responses...and try to be positive when others approach you.
-Plan less screen and phone time...try setting a timer or make limit for yourself
-Plan a bedtime, and a waking time that makes sense and maximizes your productivity.
Example of a daily schedule:
8:00 am Wake, teeth, wash, dress, breakfast, plan the day, family
9:00 am School work, google classroom, teacher emails, learning
10:00 am Break, talk to a friend or family member, movement, music
10:30 am School work, productive time, reading, writing
11:30 am Movement time, exercise, walk or bike with siblings
12:00 pm Prepare, eat, and clean up lunch; discuss morning with family 1:00 pm Finish school work, get head of assignments, make a plan for the next day
2:00 pm Art or music practice; create something...learn something new
3:00 pm Go outside: walk, bike, run, gardening, building, painting, move
4:30 pm Take care of pets, clean room, organize papers and schoolwork, help parent, assist with dinner preparations
5:30 pm Mealtime: cook, eat and clean up...everyone helps
6:30 pm Read, music, social chats with friends, screentime, journaling, another walk, meditate
7:30 pm Share a TV show with family, school work, art, games
9:00 pm Read, music, social/family chat, art, finish remaining school work Start the evening routine...shower, teeth, clean up Unwind